Storytelling is universal. Every culture around the world tells stories to build and strengthen its communities: love stories, stories of courage, of shared history and heritage, of inspiration, cautionary tales. Stories give us access to personal and collective discovery. A good story sets our hearts and minds, even our bodies, in motion.
Like storytelling, stories, themselves, can also be universal, reflecting desires, challenges and choices people of all cultures have faced since time began. These stories give us perspective on the decisions we make and the possibilities we have.
But stories can also be steeped in specificity. These stories give us a window into the worlds and people around us we might never see — or, perhaps, ourselves and our own worlds rarely reflected. These stories broaden our perspectives and open us to new ways of seeing, understanding and navigating life.
We recognize the richness of the human experience as well as the uniqueness of our region — a place born of close family ties, at times torn by social strife, but always reaching for reconciliation and renewal. The stories we tell on our stages, like all good stories, are meant to reveal us to ourselves and each other. They let us see and share our distinctive experiences so we might grow and strengthen our community through understanding and inclusion in the shared experience that is theatre. Here, you’ll find stories for all.
Stories are best told in a place that welcomes everyone. Alabama Shakespeare Festival is a place for people from all walks of life and in every stage of living and learning. The stories on our stages are often the first experience Alabamians have with live, professional theatre.
From the young people in our SchoolFest student matinee programs to patrons who have watched our productions for nearly 50 seasons to multigenerational families who make us part of their important time together, people grow together and as individuals over the stories they see on our stages. That is why it is so important to us that we continue to find ways to be accessible to everyone, regardless of physical or financial ability.
We are a place for stories of personal development and growth. Every person who sees our stories, their stories, come to life on our stages, is transformed in some way. And they, in turn, transform the world around them. That is why we strive to provide unique opportunities to develop young leaders, scholars, artists, and artisans by working with students of all ages and educators to develop programming and resources to grow in and benefit from our professional theatre environment. We are proud to be a part of those stories.
We are a place for stories of togetherness. People come to (and come back to) Alabama Shakespeare Festival because they found a place here. They come for the stories, of course, but they also make their own stories here. Our beautiful Shakespeare Garden and grounds are often alive with wedding, birthday and anniversary celebrations, reunions and gatherings. We are delighted to be a part of those stories.
Alabama Shakespeare Festival is a place for you — for everyone.